
Monday, 4 February 2013

#oldsmooc #digilit Learning by design

Feeling a bit "meh" about this week's assignment. I think the Pedagogical Pattern Collector created by Diana Laurillard has a lot of potential, especially as a place to find and share great ideas for developing (especially) online learning. However, as a tool it is not exactly intuitive to use and after completing the various exercises this week, I felt a kind of "so what?" that may just be mooc fatigue, the onset of a cold, disillusion with educational institutions or the fact that this just didn't fit with my way of working.

And yet... there is something I like about it, the idea of order in those neat little colour coded boxes, that lovely pie chart that helps you create a balanced design..... but whether I'd reach for this in preference to that handy back of a fag packet? - I doubt it.

If it hadn't been for the excellent work done by my team mate @crumphelen I am not sure I would be still on course - or on the course...but we shared the load and encouraged one another by Tweet and by Skype and yes, we have now managed to complete week 4 :)
(To find my design you need to Browse the PPC for Research Method Design)

Are the badges on this mooc in anyway inspiring? Well I have assiduously applied for my week 1 and week 3 badges but nothing more, and yes I feel I deserve a badge just for getting through the tasks. But I am not sure these are particularly meaningful to me.

I was wondering what all the fuss was about badges in general when I got a lovely surprise on my Verbal Planet home page - they now provide a feedback visual which tells you your tutor's assessment of your language skill according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. This I found really helpful and made me wonder all over again about how badges might really stimulate engagement and effort especially in developing digital information literacy.

So - another design idea to build in??

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