
Thursday, 17 January 2013

#oldsmooc #digilit Week 2

Oh now this is interesting. Week 2 has been designed in a very different way by Joshua Underwood and suddenly Cloudworks has coherence. Clouds are nested within clouds/cloudscapes  and deftly connected through hyperlinks. NOW I feel there is a trail of breadcrumbs allowing me to find my way round. In fact, this now seems to look and feel like a wiki, which I suppose is what it was all along!

When I try to get back to almost anywhere I have been in Week 1 I end up lost and trying to find a person I met, a cloud I browsed, is impossible.

SO - is this a product of intelligent design, or have I just got better at navigating?

Still don't seem to get any updates from Clouds I am following - which is annoying - only from Clouds I have created.

The task this week is to work on scenarios, personas and developing an idea of a context for our projects. This morning I found this a scary concept, but after some directed reading and a cloud based exchange with Joshua, I am already feeling a bit clearer.

(A thought: the more I look at this, the more it reminds me of soft systems processes)

My objectives for the week then are to:

Complete enough of the activities and reading to enable me to understand context and how/whether to use scenarios, personas and other proposed context tools

To create a scenario, collaboratively with other people in the team (a team of 2 so far) which is sufficiently useful and accurate (for me to use)

To gain insights from this scenario creation stage to help me think more clearly about designing the module I have in mind

To evaluate the proposed tools and understand why they are used/how they support design and/or make a decision whether to use them or something else.


  1. Hi Jane, is there possible to join your project-dream? As I wrote you the digital literacy is of my interest and may be we can come up with a suitable and doable idea, or just add to your ideas. I do not in what you decided to build your project.
    Please let me know.

  2. Hi At the moment the "project team" is just Helen and I deciding to work on the idea of a module to teach digital information literacy to first year UG Health and Social Care students. We are drafting a scenario. You could work on your own teaching idea and share in the study/discussions? Or we could all work together on the one design. Not sure how this works but yes let's keep in touch. :)

    ¿Estás aprendiendo español? ¡Yo también! Bueno. Sería un placer tener otra amiga en nuestra equipo. El proyeto trata de ensenar comprensión de la información digital en un curso de ciencias sociales. ¿Es algo que te interese?


  3. Hola!! Gracias por la respuesta. Yo soy de Veneauela con lo español es mi idioma. Y estoy a la orden para cuando quieras practicar!! :=)
    QUiza lo mejor sea trabajar sola y darnos feedback. Ya ustedes van adelantadas. Yo estoy trancada aun con la historia para el contexto.

  4. Gracias Carola -
    ¡Una buena solución! Acquí hay un enlace para mi scenario.

    Deje un comentario o "feedback" y un enlace para el tuyo así que podemos continuar esta conversación en Cloudworks, fuera de mi blog :)

    Además, soy @virtualleader en Twitter.
