
Wednesday, 15 October 2008

If your soccer team played like your work team.. an interesting question posed by Ken Thompson of in this video:

NLab Social Networks Conference 2008 - Ken Thompson from IOCT on Vimeo.

He explains his thinking about bio-teams, plays some good games! and poses some thought-provoking questions.

What if your work team played like a football team? Would they be better or worse? Is working in your team as exciting? (for football team substitute any high functioning group of your choice.... Ocean's 11???).

Ken gives a live demonstration of how social networks can be a used as a collective brain using simple text messaging techniques. His central theme is about collective leadership - no one leader has all the answers all the time. He also suggests that short messaging creates dynamic, mobile teams whereas we are locked into "document culture".

I'd add "discuss", but only in the chat room, I guess!