
Thursday, 4 September 2008

Something I just read and wanted to share

I got this on Twitter from Ken Thompson who runs the bio teams site.....

could be useful to remember for those of you wanting to set up your own sites at work:

  • invest time in reaching your readers, not money on the tech kit
  • have someone looking after the site who knows what they are doing
  • make sure you have agreed the right measures of success


  1. Couldn't agree more. There is no point in trying to do something yourself if there is someone who could do it better and with more success. As discussed in previous modules, information on a goal or outcome provides the motivation and feedback for success and change.
    Alison P

  2. * invest time in reaching your readers, not money on the tech kit - yep, am thinking of own context and will be emphasising in my assignment the continued importance of face 2 face meets if pos - clarifies matters efficiently and effectively.
    * have someone looking after the site who knows what they are doing - yeh! i would add that the site home page changes to keep interest up, has dates of updates clear and useful brief new news
    * make sure you have agreed the right measures of success - not so sure bout this at mo, cause testing this new form of com with my virtual team, measuring web traffic could be useful, then using survey monkey for eg to assess peoples acceptability of this new form of com

  3. I would agree with this, the only bit i would probalby look at clarification is, that yes spend investment on reaching your readers but the tech kit must be fit for purpose. I know from bitter experiance in my own organisation money\time being invested in kit that doesnt do the job

  4. some thoughtful responses here: important point from Alison about setting out goals!! Nicola - good idea about combining measures and Billy - I would expect you to mention the tech kit - and you're right: it has to work(!!): it's all about cost/benefits I suspect.

    I enjoyed these postings as it feels like you are all starting to offer a critique of what you are reading, and using your own experience to "test" its validity. Cool! Keep it up!
