
Saturday, 9 January 2016

#melsigntu My takeaways 

Yesterday was my first ever MELSIG event and - apart from presenting my own work on digital storytelling - I got a great deal out of it, as always at these type of events, by chatting with lots of like minded souls and catching up with Twitter buddies.

My three takeaways are:

1) from Chris Thomson at JISC - that though it is true that stories are a part of our everyday lives, not everyone knows how to write/construct one.... so....
2) the Story Mountain (see above) could be a brilliant framework to share with students (I missed this session but picked up the idea on the Twitter stream)
3) that I should be brave and revisit DS106 as, after Viv Rolfe's fascinating talk, I found there much to get inspired by!

OK - one more: I really should go back to Storify and use it with my students on curation and research tasks, as Sue Beckingham advocated so eloquently.... making and telling a good story with storify 

I was also asked a very interesting question about the previous academic experience of my students and whether it made any difference to their approach to the digital story format. The hypothesis - which I plan to test - is that those from a BTEC background were more comfortable with a non-traditional assessment than the A level students. I have the data - just need to get rummaging through it.

Monday, 4 January 2016

#melsig #melsigntu Digital Narratives

It seems only fair that I finally put together my own digital story! So here are my slides for the #melsigntu event, complete with voice over.


And here are just the slides:
Other useful links referred to in my video:

Jenny Moon's Map of Learning:conference hand out or to buy the book

Digital Storytelling in Education website

21C Skills video (animation - in Spanish): 

Go Joven Project - Health Education Digital Story (in Spanish with English subtitles)

Digital storytelling from the students' perspective

My previous blog posts outlining the process I went through with my students - and their examples/feedback: Digistory posts

And finally, an example of a digital story produced by one of my final year students (and a far better one than than my attempt!) :