
Tuesday, 1 July 2014

#uogapt Classroom design, technology and learning: pecha kucha


Shaping how we teach: The Connected and Open Classroom from Jane Challinor

Creating a pecha kucha took about 4 times as long as a conventional 30 minute presentation. I don't think I want to ever do it again. Plays in to my quest for perfectionism even more than creating a Prezi and I am dreading the actual delivery in breathless 20 second bursts. Or maybe it's just presenting full stop that I wish to avoid? I am though looking forward to visiting Greenwich and the conference itself.

A digital self portrait

I recieved a message last night via the ALT members email list which communicated a really infectious sense of excitement about using Padlet as a"canvas" to create a beautiful, visual collection of links, images and ideas. (thanks Daniel Scott!)

Intrigued, I decided to give it a go. I have used Padlet before for class discussions and feedback but I hadn't previously seen its potential as a digital storytelling platform.

I had been considering Thinglink for the collaborative project I blogged about recently but for some reason was holding back from fully exploring that platform. I think I was looking for something far more visually engaging - ideally a cross between Thinglink and Pinterst maybe? Using Padlet in the way Daniel has does the job perfectly! What do you think? (view full size)